Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wake up you Anglicans!!!Enough of sleeping!!!They have already destroyed our tradition!!!

What the hell has happened to the anglican church which was united with the other churc hes after independence....What happened to the tradition...What happened to the churchmanship...What happened to the order of the service...

If people want to abolish the tradition of the church and bring in modernity,
- Then still WHY THE HELL do they wear the clergical costumes given by the mother church,
- Then still WHY THE HELL do they want to be called as Reverend's, the title given by mother church,
- Then still WHY THE HELL do they preach their modern sermons inside a church which was built traditionally.

They have brought down the sanctity of the HOLY OF HOLIES!!!

They have to be brought to notice,which will be done as soon as possible,by the glory of God!!

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